Before I travelled to Haiti, I assumed local dishes would be a mish mash of unusual ingredients or your basic meat-and-potatoes and whatever locals can get their hands on at the market. Among the things that no one tells you about Haiti is that Haitian food is actually really delicious! It’s wholesome and nutritional, packed with flavourful spices […]
Sleeping in a Bamboo Hut
I had just spent four long days bedridden from a (bad) stomach bug in Bangkok. I almost thought my body caught a parasite and I was eating nothing but dry toast and ice cubes my first few days in Thailand. Dan, my husband, stayed by me through my whole recovery. Except the day he spent […]
Eating Thai Street Food
Thailand really is the epitome of all street food cities. Ratty old carts and portable kitchens line the sidewalks. Thai families who live close to the curb open up their homes to sell whatever they’re serving for dinner that night to others passing by. We’ve even seen mechanic shops set up during the daytime turn into Thai street food garages by night. Thai food […]
Our New Airbnb Apartment in Budapest
Not too long ago, we made an exciting announcement. Dan and I took our biggest leap yet. We turned our crazy, out of this world idea, into reality. We bought an apartment in Budapest. If you’re a traveller you know, there is always that one city, country, continent, or place in the world that speaks to you. For us […]
The Tire Problem in Haiti
Julina rushes outside from the workshop to give a strong ringing of the gold hand bell. She’s smiling ear to ear because she just made her next shoe sale. It’s a big deal here. Julina and 13 other full-time workers make leather shoes, hand-crafted from old rubber tires they manage to collect from the sides of the road in Port-au-Prince. […]
Sustainable and Adventure Eco-Lodges in Costa Rica
Choosing what to do and where to stay when you travel can have direct social impact on the destination and community you visit. In Costa Rica, the government and local ticos believe in sustainable eco-lodges where you can sleep, eat, and travel in a more conscious way, and where your tourism dollars help support the local development. The Costa […]